CabBazar Advantages:
• CabBazar's promise of quality - Punctual, Secure and Trustworthy
• Discounted fares on Outstation/ Local city travel
• Our expert drivers will show you some of the best sites and take you to your destination’s best-kept secrets
• We’ll make sure your cab is clean for every trip, even if it’s a quick trip around town
• We’ll ensure your cab reaches you on time so you can make the most of your vacation
• Travel in comfort with our wide range of cars
How to book a CabBazar for your vacation:
• Choose your pickup and destination locations
• Choose the dates of travel and pick-up time
• Select the type of car you want you to take on your journey
• Enter your name, contact number, and pick-up address
• Make your payment online, or choose to pay at the end of the trip
That’s it! Your driver will arrive at your pick-up location with your cab. Happy journey!
CabBazar Car Rentals is India's largest cab service provider and is present across various cities in India. The CabBazar app allows you to conveniently book a car for your outstation travel needs.
• Planning a weekend getaway? Our outstation cab services will help you explore the best destinations, visit all the must-see places and taste the best local food.
• Did you just land at an airport or railway station closest to your destination? Use our airport and transit pick up to cover the last mile.
• Are you an offbeat traveler? Do you just hit the road and decide to take it from there? We offer one-way drops on several routes, in case you only want to be dropped to your destination.
To know more about our services, visit For any suggestions, questions or complaints, drop us an email at [email protected] or call on +91-7777-880-880
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