Hear2Read Indic Text To Speech
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This 3rd Generation Hear2Read Ⓡ Text-To-Speech (TTS) service engine improves upon the previous release by eliminating the need to install separate Apps for Indic voices. Users can now install one or more Indic Voices using "Add Voice" button within the App.
This is not an online text to speech app. No internet connection is required to convert text to speech/audio after the voice for the particular language has been installed. Currently it supports:
* Assamese voice to convert Assamese text to speech (TTS)
* Gujarati voice to convert Gujarati text to speech (TTS)
* Hindi voice to convert Hindi text to speech (TTS)
* Kannada voice to convert Kannada text to speech (TTS)
* Malayalam voice to convert Malayalam text to speech (TTS)
* Odia voice to convert Odia text to speech (TTS)
* Punjabi voice to convert Punjabi text to speech (TTS)
* Sanskrit voice to convert Sanskrit text to speech (TTS)
* Telugu voice to convert Telugu text to speech (TTS)
After installing the App and the voice(s), set Hear2Read as “Preferred engine” under Text-to-speech output setting.
The App is useful for users with Visual Impairment (VI) for use with Talkback ON (option under Accessibility in Settings), as well as users without Visual Impairments who wish to read by listening.
Talkback uses the Language selected for the preferred engine under “Text-to-speech output” setting. Please change it to the language you wish to read using TTS software.
Hear2Read App includes a demo screen for each supported language. The demo text is longer than the example sentence played under settings. In addition, it allows users to paste any text (up to 1000 bytes) of their own choosing to read by listening. However, the demo screen is not meant to be a full-fledged screen reading App.
Hear2Read TTS Engine runs as a background service (just as Google TTS engine does) to convert text to speech. Any App (such as Talkback or @Voice Aloud) can use it to convert Indic text to speech thereby "Reading by Listening”. It does not save the text sent to it or the audio output. All audio output is sent to the App that sent the text for conversion.
Hear2Read uses Festvox, Festival and Flite Open Source software developed by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and collaborators including Hear2Read team and University of Edinburg (UK).
Google Android TTS currently does not support Assamese, Odia and Sanskrit. We are working on developing support for other Indic languages that are not supported by Google.
Requires devices with at least 1 GB RAM, Quad core CPU and Android 7.1.1 or higher.
Please send comments and questions to [email protected].
Note: Hear2Read is a registered trademark.
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