Россия в мире: Видеоуроки


Total installs
September 13, 2021
Last updated
December 7, 2023
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Россия в мире: Видеоуроки Screenshot 1 - AppWisp.com
Россия в мире: Видеоуроки Screenshot 2 - AppWisp.com
Россия в мире: Видеоуроки Screenshot 3 - AppWisp.com
Россия в мире: Видеоуроки Screenshot 4 - AppWisp.com


Our application is video lessons on the course Russia in the world for grades 10-11 from the best teachers in the country, created so that every child has the opportunity to receive a free high-quality general education. The application presents the entire school curriculum in Russia in the world.

The content of the 10th grade course:

1. Subject "History"
2. Ancient mankind
3. Civilizations of the Ancient East
4. Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean
5. Repetitive-generalizing "From primitive to ancient civilizations"
6. Formation of Western European medieval civilization
7. Eastern civilizations of the Middle Ages
8. Medieval civilizations of the East
9. Peoples and states of Western and Eastern Europe in the early Middle Ages
10. The emergence of the state of Kievan Rus. Baptism of Rus'
11. The state of Kievan Rus and society
12. Culture and life of the population of Kievan Rus and European countries
13. Repetitive-generalizing "Medieval society in the VI-X centuries."
14. Economic, political and social development of Western Europe
15. Interaction of medieval civilizations
16. Political fragmentation of Rus'
17. Russian principalities and the Golden Horde
18. Moscow at the head of the unification of Russian lands
19. Russian medieval culture and the culture of the medieval West
20. Repetitive and generalizing "Russia and the world in the XI-mid XV century."
21. Europe in the Age of Discovery
22. Formation of the Russian state
23. European countries in the 17th century
24. The crisis of the state and society in Russia. Time of Troubles
25. Formation of the autocracy of the Romanovs
26. The beginning of the formation of a multinational Russian state
27. Russian culture and culture of Western Europe
28. Repetitive-generalizing "The World at the Beginning of Modern Times"
29. Age of Enlightenment
30. Revolutions of the 18th century
31. Power and society in Russia in the XVIII century
32. Socio-economic development of Russia
33. Expansion of the territory of the Russian Empire
34. Education, science and culture of the Russian Empire in the 18th century

The content of the 11th grade course:

1. Western Europe and Russia in the era of the Napoleonic wars
2. The Industrial Revolution and the Rise of the Industrial West
3. Ideological currents and political parties
4. Revolutions and reforms
5. Colonial empires
6. Modernization processes in the world of great powers
7. Repetitive and generalizing on the topic "Industrial civilization in the 19th century."
8. The Russian state in 1801-1825 Alexander I
9. The Russian state in 1825-1855 Nicholas I
10. Public life in Russia in the first half of the 19th century
11. Peasant reform of 1861. The abolition of serfdom
12. Political reforms of the 1860s-1870s in Russia
13. Social movement in Russia in the second half of the XIX century
14. Russia is a multinational country
15. "Vienna system" of international relations. Russia in European politics 1815-1878
16. The influence of European expansion on the traditional societies of the East. Russian policy in Asia
17. Repetitive and generalizing on the topic "Russia on the path of modernization"
18. Foreign policy of Russia in the late XIX - early XX century
19. New trends in the development of industrial society
20. Russian Empire: autocracy and society at the turn of the century
21. First Russian Revolution
22. Duma monarchy and Stolypin's reforms
23. Repetitive and generalizing on the topic "Russia and the world at the beginning of the 20th century"
24. Changing the natural-scientific picture of the world. Scientific and technological progress in Europe
25. Philosophical heritage of the 19th century
26. World literature of the 19th century: change of ideological foundations and genres
27. World artistic culture of the 19th century: main directions and features
28. The Russian education system and its role in the modernization of the country
29. Russian classical literature of the XIX century. and its role in the development of Russian society and world culture
30. Artistic culture of the peoples of Russia in the XIX-XX centuries
31. Formation of a non-classical scientific picture of the world
32. The growth of technocracy and irrationalism in the mass consciousness
33. The system of international relations at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries
34. Imperialism as ideology and politics. The struggle for the colonial redivision of the world

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